LG AI Research has been preparing to become a global AI research hub through a joint establishment of AI Research Center with Seoul National University to carry out joint research on our Super-Giant AI model and to foster AI Specialists.
On March 23, 2022, LG AI Research established LG AI Research Center, Ann Arbor in Michigan, USA to expand the global AI research ecosystem in earnest. LG AI Research Center, Ann Arbor will be led by the Chief Scientist of AI (CSAI) Honglak Lee, who is one of the greatest AI Scientists in the world.
LG AI연구원 CSAI 이홍락님께서 오픈 연설을 해주셨어요.
The Ann Arbor Center will lead the development of the next-generation AI technology that has the ability to think and make judgments by itself and under the leadership of Honglak Lee, CSAI, it will serve as the central hub that will prepare LG to become a global AI Company.
Honglak emphasized the importance of building the global AI research ecosystem by stating “The establishment of our North America Center is the first step taken by LG AI Research towards becoming a global institution beyond South Korea. We are planning on expanding our horizon globally and increase our contact with universities and research institutes that are solid players in each research field to engage in world-class research activities”
(위) Christine Muchanic(U-M), Honglak Lee(LG AI Research), Bill Meyer, Michael Wellman(U-M), Rada Mihalcea(U-M), David Fouhey(U-M), Justin Johnson(U-M), Andrew Owens(U-M), Eric Michielssen(U-M), (아래) Youngmin Kim(LG AI Research), YunSeok Jang(LG AI Research US), Sungryull Sohn(LG AI Research US), Logeswaran Lajanugen(LG AI Research US), Lu Wang(U-M), Joyce Chai(U-M)
Ann Arbor is located in the State of Michigan, which is home to one of the world’s top universities, University of Michigan. In February of last year, LG AI Research signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the University of Michigan AI Lab to support joint research activities on advanced AI technologies and secure future talents. University of Michigan has world-class AI research capacities, ranking in the top 10 AI/Data Science courses in 2021 by Forbes and top 10 Graduate Schools for AI courses in the U.S. by US News. LG AI Research is planning on working closely with the University of Michigan’s AI Lab through the newly opened research center.
We would love everyone’s interest and continued support!