It feels like spring started just a few days ago but we can already feel the hot and humid summer air coming! 
LG AI Research has never had a get-together as it was established during the COVID-19 pandemic. After the social distancing regulations got a little better, we had a company-wide picnic by the Han River. We prepared a picnic/mini sports tournament titled “Isn’t it great to be at the Han River” so that everyone could take a break from their work day!
Our AI Artist Tilda is directing everyone to the picnic area! Let’s all go to the Han River together~
Following the signs from Tilda, LG AI Research’s AI Artist, all the employees of LG AI Research gathered at the Han River Park! There was a coffee truck and sandwiches to quench everyone’s thirst and hunger before starting the picnic. For the mini sports tournament, all the employees were assigned in groups based on their personality types (MBTI). The groups were made by our super-giant AI multi-modal, EXAONE!
Koreans LOVEEEE their morning coffee, so we rented a coffee truck! 
Are you ready to join a research center full of challenges?!
AI연구원 첫 단체 사진- 찰칵!
SO many employees gathered in one spot! LG AI Research is a group that is rapidly growing and we have many new members who just joined us! The total number of employees also doubled just in 1.5 years since the establishment! It was a good time getting to know one another outside of the office setting.
The groups that were divided by different personality types clearly showed their uniqueness in their team pictures as well! 
“Team Phoenix”
“ Team Sonny”
“Team Dispute”
“Team 7”
“Team Chae-Ok going to the Han River (the lady in the middle, her name is Chae- Ok hahaha)”
“Team Binary”
After taking the photos, we were all off to clear our missions!
‘For the mini sports tournament prepared for the picnic, you do not have to have outstanding physical strength or agility! There also was a prize for the winner who came in first after completing all the given missions!
Get set & GO GO GO!
Jump as high as you can!
Rubber Shoes!
Mini Board Curling
Giant Hacky Sack!
Who do you think was the best pitcher?
Basketball Tourney!
Out of 10, 20, and 30 points!
Everyone was unstoppable even under the hot burning sun. Every player engaged in these sports game very passionately 
The teams that were done with clearing all the missions were able to enjoy the cool air by the air-conditioner and all-you-can-eat barbecue! We will never forget all the happy faces of our employees as they enjoyed the perfectly grilled meat! 
Our captain welcoming us into the restaurant LOL 
Our all-you-can-eat barbecue view by the river!
We completed the picnic by enjoying the barbecue and drinks. Everyone loved it so much that they were asking when the next picnic will be! I think they could expect the second picnic around fall - Stay Tuned!